Friday, February 13, 2009

Pay It Forward... Or Even Backward!

I had an experience yesterday that I had to share.

On my drive back from South Bend, Indiana to Chicago Midway airport, I encountered an unexpected act of kindness directed toward me. As I was pulling up to a toll booth on I-90, the attendant gave me a big smile, raised the gate arm, and said, "You can go. The car in front of you paid for your toll!"

"What was that?" I replied. I'm sure I heard her. I'm sure I understood her completely. But what she said caught me off guard. How nice! How thoughtful! How random! "How much is the toll?" I inquired. "A dollar twenty-five." Okay, so it wasn't some huge sum that may force the giver into bankruptcy (we'll leave that to our economy). But, it was generous and kind.

You can imagine the excitement I sensed when only about 5 miles down the freeway, I was approaching another toll stop. (By the way, what's up with all the toll booths along run-down roads and bridges? Isn't that what taxes are for?!) Now it was MY turn! Should I or shouldn't I? Of course I should!

"That'll be three dollars, please," said the attendant as I pulled up to the gate. I was holding a $10 bill, so I knew I could cover two tolls.

"Please take enough for my toll and the car behind me," I said. She didn't flinch, but rather promptly handed me four $1 dollar bills and waved me on my way. I immediately got the sense that "paying it backward" was likely a common occurence and that the attendents aren't overly awed by the occassionaly generosity of some drivers.

But I was.

This really made me think. How many simple opportunities do we encounter each day to do a little something for someone who isn't expecting it in the least? Why not:
- Let everyone who is merging come in right in front of you
- Drop a quarter into a driver's expired parking meter (got that one from a Subaru commercial)
- Give a spontaneous massage (appropriate to the relationship, of course)
- Leave that extra friendly and helpful grocery store clerk a tip
- Write your kid's teacher a Thank You note, just for being a teacher

Maybe my anonymous benefactor was warming up for Valentine's Day. Maybe that's just who they are? Maybe that's who we all should become.


Denise said...

You mean people really do that? I thought it was an urban myth. Ironically, as I was reading this, "Drive" came up on the playlist. I'm making up my own words.

"Who's gonna pay your toll...tonight?"

Good for you for paying it forward.

Kim said...

Hi, Todd. I found your blog on Jen Evans' blog. I really enjoyed your post. That is awesome. There are good people everywhere. It's fun to see your beautiful family. I hope you don't mind if I check in ocassionally. I hope all is well with you! (Kim Fairbourn)